- Initial Consultation – (Naturopathic Counseling only)

Health Evaluation, Halo Foot Therapy (Mineral, Potassium salts) with Nebulizer Amino (Glutathione), Mineral Applications and Reflexology Foot Therapy. Approx 45 minutes - $55

Therapies: (All Suggested Donations)

Arthritis, Muscle Injuries, Fibromyalgia, Carpel Tunnel, Bursitis,Tendinitis, Sore Joint Therapy

Transdermal Proprietary blend of Castor and Magnesium (Chloride) Oil (Infused with a mixture of White Willow Bark, Comfrey, and Goldenseal root and other special healing herbs needed) mixed with Hyaluronic Acid - $59 (includes 2 joints, such as hands-wrists etc.)

With Hydro-Thermal Therapy Treatment, only $30 additional

Additional joint therapy - $15

Additional Liver Therapy - $25

Nebulizer Therapy

Amino (Glutathione) therapy ($25) – Magnesium and Potassium mineral salt Therapy $25

Hydro-Thermal Therapy

(60 min) $65

Full Body (75 min) $75

Alternating cold with hot fomentations which can alter and increase blood circulation, enhance the immune system, doubling white blood cells, transportation of nutritional support, and improving digestion. Putting the body in a mild fevered stated, can kill bacteria, germs and viruses allowing the body to detox and recover (Effective for any ailment). Full body, is working with the foot (Magnesium/Bicarbonate). Transdermal therapy bath (water is kept at a temperature of 93-95 degrees for maximum absorption). It has been used for everything from muscular injuries to pandemics, with excellent effectiveness and execrated healing.

Transdermal Hot Foot Therapy (60 min) $65

Covering in a sheet and blanket soaking in a bath of increasing hot water to the feet area, allowing the body to heat up to a mild fevered state. It allows the body to detoxify, with the use of Magnesium Sulfate (Epson salt) and Sodium Bicarbonate, which facilitates the removal of hydrogen ions from the blood and muscle tissues to help restore a proper metabolic pH balance. Mineral foot baths are rotated as clients progress. Such as (Mineral salts, Potassium) (Magnesium Chloride, Sodium Thiosulfate)

Hydro-Throat Therapy (Throat wrap – 24 hr) $29

Throat therapy wrap allows the blood to consistently circulate in and out of the throat area for twenty four hours. One of the most effective treatments for any throat ailments or conditions, such as Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis (inflammation) of the pharynx, Laryngities, Earaches and Vertigo.

Muli-Wave Oscillatior (Cell Energy Rejuvenation) $25

An Electro-Magnetic Frequency device (an MWO) that emits a broad spectrum of high frequency energy which resonate with the body's own bio-electric field. The effects have been described as relaxing, healing, restorative, and energizing. The LFA can reduce swelling and pain and speed recovery from all sorts of injuries or illness by enhancing the body's own ability to heal.

The Parasite Zapper: (4 - 15 min sessions) $35

The Zapper is a frequency device used to aid the body's elimination of harmful parasites, bacteria, and viruses. It is particularly useful in clearing lung infections and digestive imbalances

Thyroid Recovery Therapy Protocols

Disclaimer - None of the devices, therapies, or services described here are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prescribe any mental or physical problem or medical condition. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA or AMA and, as such, shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise.

Note: All proceeds are donated to Living Soil Mission Society, a Non-Profit Natural Health Charitable Organization for educational and application purposes.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Farm-To-Table Initiative 

                Recently, the Gunnison Valley Farm-To-Table Conference was held at Western State Colorado University to bring together local producers, consumers, restaurant and market owners, and community leaders to address where our food comes from, comparing the industrial commercial farming markets to local food sources purchased by the consumer base. The key points addressed by the panel were a disconnect through education (commercial to organic farming) to the consumer base of the quality, locality, and distribution of food (import to regional food sources).

 Problems addressed: no local food infrastructure, a cultural consumer gap (who is our farmer, what’s in our food), lost cooking and preparation skills. Example: cooking from scratch, gardening, canning, preserving foods, convenient shopping,  government regulations limiting the local producers, food markets under contracts with global marketed corporations with no access to the conventional consumer. In the film Ingredients, were a positive exploration of the possibilities of what world we could have if the consumer base is educated having the choice of what food they choose to eat. The film’s key point noted that the chefs and the consumer determine the industry which supplies our food. Consumers are driven mainly by price point, driving the industrial food market to provide the cheapest quality and quantity at the expensive of nutrition to the explosion of both animal and human disease. Furthermore, the films states most seeds are controlled by three global corporations and if continued the consolidating to one hundred percent is in our near future unless local small organic farms are maintained and supported by the local food consumers.

                The local Colorado panel addressed that the Colorado agricultural land is diminishing from 8000 archers (ex: apple production, 1990) to 1000 archers in which the global market can distribute one ton of apples at twenty dollars compared to the local Colorado farmer of fifty dollars per ton to the local market. Furthermore, the panel noted that the U.S. agricultural lands is currently at  2%  and is at the mercy of public opinion and government control regulation encouraging imports which have increased fourfold in the last decade. The current trend in Colorado expressed by Dr. Dawn Thilmany of CSU Agriculture and Resource Economist is encouraging. She noted the consumer psychology has changed in the relationship of food quality (from industrial food supplier), impacted of local economy (using local farmers) was gaining importance to the food purchaser. The Colorado Farm to School initiative, started in 2010, has been adopted by many of the Colorado school districts within 2 years due in large part of local people making the difference for their children with the help of new school greenhouses. 

The consumer surveys showed that 22% of homeowners supply twenty percent or more of their own food by private gardens with the remainder of the possibility of no access or the lack of education of food sustainability.  Colorado colleges (noted: Fort Lewis) are developing local incubation centers (using private and government lands) to train and develop the organic farming practices to future farming leaders through stipend funds. The overall point: if we do not change and educate the public on sustainable foods, we can lose access to organic foods and farming and be under the control of multinational suppliers mainly money as motive.

Remember, the only vote that counts is how we spend the DOLLAR which the market follows the trends in how we spend. The Change is up to us.

Troy Hyyppa
Western State Colorado University

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