- Initial Consultation – (Naturopathic Counseling only)

Health Evaluation, Halo Foot Therapy (Mineral, Potassium salts) with Nebulizer Amino (Glutathione), Mineral Applications and Reflexology Foot Therapy. Approx 45 minutes - $55

Therapies: (All Suggested Donations)

Arthritis, Muscle Injuries, Fibromyalgia, Carpel Tunnel, Bursitis,Tendinitis, Sore Joint Therapy

Transdermal Proprietary blend of Castor and Magnesium (Chloride) Oil (Infused with a mixture of White Willow Bark, Comfrey, and Goldenseal root and other special healing herbs needed) mixed with Hyaluronic Acid - $59 (includes 2 joints, such as hands-wrists etc.)

With Hydro-Thermal Therapy Treatment, only $30 additional

Additional joint therapy - $15

Additional Liver Therapy - $25

Nebulizer Therapy

Amino (Glutathione) therapy ($25) – Magnesium and Potassium mineral salt Therapy $25

Hydro-Thermal Therapy

(60 min) $65

Full Body (75 min) $75

Alternating cold with hot fomentations which can alter and increase blood circulation, enhance the immune system, doubling white blood cells, transportation of nutritional support, and improving digestion. Putting the body in a mild fevered stated, can kill bacteria, germs and viruses allowing the body to detox and recover (Effective for any ailment). Full body, is working with the foot (Magnesium/Bicarbonate). Transdermal therapy bath (water is kept at a temperature of 93-95 degrees for maximum absorption). It has been used for everything from muscular injuries to pandemics, with excellent effectiveness and execrated healing.

Transdermal Hot Foot Therapy (60 min) $65

Covering in a sheet and blanket soaking in a bath of increasing hot water to the feet area, allowing the body to heat up to a mild fevered state. It allows the body to detoxify, with the use of Magnesium Sulfate (Epson salt) and Sodium Bicarbonate, which facilitates the removal of hydrogen ions from the blood and muscle tissues to help restore a proper metabolic pH balance. Mineral foot baths are rotated as clients progress. Such as (Mineral salts, Potassium) (Magnesium Chloride, Sodium Thiosulfate)

Hydro-Throat Therapy (Throat wrap – 24 hr) $29

Throat therapy wrap allows the blood to consistently circulate in and out of the throat area for twenty four hours. One of the most effective treatments for any throat ailments or conditions, such as Tonsillitis, Pharyngitis (inflammation) of the pharynx, Laryngities, Earaches and Vertigo.

Muli-Wave Oscillatior (Cell Energy Rejuvenation) $25

An Electro-Magnetic Frequency device (an MWO) that emits a broad spectrum of high frequency energy which resonate with the body's own bio-electric field. The effects have been described as relaxing, healing, restorative, and energizing. The LFA can reduce swelling and pain and speed recovery from all sorts of injuries or illness by enhancing the body's own ability to heal.

The Parasite Zapper: (4 - 15 min sessions) $35

The Zapper is a frequency device used to aid the body's elimination of harmful parasites, bacteria, and viruses. It is particularly useful in clearing lung infections and digestive imbalances

Thyroid Recovery Therapy Protocols

Disclaimer - None of the devices, therapies, or services described here are intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prescribe any mental or physical problem or medical condition. The statements made here have not been evaluated by the FDA or AMA and, as such, shall not be construed as medical advice, implied or otherwise.

Note: All proceeds are donated to Living Soil Mission Society, a Non-Profit Natural Health Charitable Organization for educational and application purposes.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Vitamin Descriptions

* Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant, helping to protect the cells and is necessary for new cell growth. It guards against heart disease and stroke, and lowers cholesterol levels. This important vitamin also slows the aging process. Protein cannot be utilized by the body without vitamin A. Vitamin A is a well-known wrinkle eliminator , as well as skin disorders, such as acne.

 * The B vitamins help maintain the health of nerves, skin, eyes, hair, liver, and mouth, and the repair of RNA and DNA which also maintains healthy muscle tone in the gastrointestinal tract. Alzheimer's disease whose problems were later found to to be due to a deficiency of vitamin B12; also causes anemia and underweight, and is also needed to make DNA. B complex  are required for normal brain function, cognitive activity, and aid in energy production. They are a neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory functions which also protect the myelin sheath, which insulates nerves. Inositol has a calming effect and a deficiency may lead to mood swings and irritability.

 * Vitamin C produces a positive immunologic response to help fight bacteria and viruses. Its support of the adrenal function and role in the production of the adrenal hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine can help the body handle infections and stress of all kinds. Vitamin C is used to treat a wide range of viral, bacterial, and fungal infections and inflammatory problems of all kinds, because of this adrenal-augmenting response, as well as thyroid support by stimulating production of thyroxin (T4) hormone.

Case Study—In the 1940s Dr. Fred Klenner routinely cured polio and other viral diseases with intravenous vitamin C.  When a King Country dairy farmer came down with a serious case of swine flu and leukemia, intensive care specialists said there was no hope. They were set to pull him off of life support, but his family refused to give up. Through high dose intravenous (IV) vitamin C. , Not only  did the vitamin C cure Allan's swine flu infection, but after spending nine weeks in an induced coma, he walked out of physical rehab after 13 days as opposed to the predicted three months. Even more astounding, today, just over a year later, he also has no further signs of leukemia.

* Vitamin D includes a reduction in the risk of colon polyps, prostate, and breast cancer with less coronary artery disease, with a decreased chance of developing type 1 diabetes. D increases muscle strength and coordination along with higher bone strength which is the catalyst to absorb Calcium in the intestines. Scientific research shows that all cells and tissues in your body have vitamin D receptors -- and further concludes that every cell and tissue needs vitamin D for its well-being.* Not only that, but vitamin D is responsible for the regulation of over 2,000 genes in your body!

* Vitamin E greatly helps reduce symptoms caused by impaired tissue oxygenation, decreased blood clotting and increased tissue oxygenation may help reduce symptoms of heart and vascular limitations, such as angina pectoris, arterial spasm, and intermittent claudicating (leg pain with walking because of the insufficiency of blood and oxygen). Vitamin E's role in preventing premature aging and promoting longevity, aging, tissue degeneration, and skin changes mainly are brought about by the damage that free radicals cause to cells unprotected by antioxidant nutrients in the body. Vitamins A and E together can help reduce cholesterol and general fat accumulations 

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